(Post 2) - No Destination

    Hey guys, thank you for the support, it means a lot just knowing somebody’s listening.  Now I know some of you had trouble believing the state of my life but I’m afraid that is the harsh reality of somebody evading an arrest warrant. Now to those of you who didn’t believe my last post your going to have trouble with what happened to me today, but ill post it anyway!

     I was woken this morning at about half 10 buy the sound of people outside the house, shuffling around like nervous school children outside the headmasters office. I knew who its was before they took the battering ram to the front door, the most disorganized conspicuous people on earth. They shouted  “police” in unison, their voices menacing with the air of desired authority. I didn’t wait around, I couldn’t. I hated having to leave Maya but I knew they would have caught her as she was sleeping in the lounge with no escape route. I grabbed my cigarettes and laptop from next to my bed and clambered straight out of the window, fortunately I had been leaving it ajar in case of scenarios like this. I ran for the road opposite, scarpered around the corner and double backed on a parallel road in time to see the bastards dragging Maya by the hair into the the back of their van, taking her away to lock in their squalid cages of democracy. I knew I had to leave, fast, and I couldn’t return to get my things, not even my precious guitar.

     I walked around all day staring at the pavement, laptop under one arm just thinking things over in my head. I have no idea what I’m going to do! Everybody I know is probably under surveillance, I have no money, no home and no one to turn to. But I’m not giving up, I’m not turning myself in! I pulled on random car door handles. It took maybe 40 or 50 till I found one that opened, a white ford sierra with cheesy McDonalds wrappers and a Prodigy CD on the passenger seat. I remembered what Maya did. – “twist the red wires together and touch the brown” I got the car started and went, the long road of anguish with no destination.

     I managed to get about 10 miles east of Hastings before the car ran out of petrol. Stranded on a coastal road I had no option but to abandon it and hitch hike. It took an hour for a car to stop. A friendly couple from Torquay picked me up and let me sit in the back of their spotless Honda on their cream leather seats. Christ, I realized that I must stink, I havn’t had a shower in days. They dropped me off near a Travel lodge not believing my story that I was lost and trying to find my aunts house, I walked through the automatic doors to be greeted by a young male behind the counter complete with acne, braces and a lustful look in his eyes. I lent on the counter and turned on the tears telling him I had been mugged and I just needed a bed for the night I had no where else to go. He insisted that I stay in one of the rooms, he said he was the senior manager and as long as I was out by lunch time it should be fine.

     So here I am in my free room, laptop is charging. I’m going to have a shower now, but where the hell do I go from here? I’m thinking I might try to leave the country, I guess I’ve gotta take one day at a time. x

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Team Panda said...

I still don't believe this blog, but i like reading it. I just pretend like I'm reading a fiction book or watching a movie. Keep it up, it's interesting.

Butcher Bradley said...

I'm with Team Panda, keep it up.

King Elysium said...

you keep posting, ill keep readin

Flames said...

Great read. Please post more.

Eric P said...

that's an incredible story. if it's not real, it's well-conceived. keep on writing.

jambaman84 said...

haha wow that's amazing.. keep it up ...

Sean said...

I still don't believe you, but I can't stop reading this. Fuck you for making me care. It's too coincidental, too well-played. Nothing adds up, nothing makes sense. Life isn't like this, stories are. Fictional stories.

When we have pictures, I'll believe you.

Anonymous said...

Intedesting. Gotta keep an eye on your posts.

Roygbiv said...

HmmM well i'll keep my eye on this blog.
like your layout too, by the way.

Thomas Magnussen said...

Incredible story !

Killerko said...

very interetsing.. will be back later +follow

Donal said...

This is a perfect mix of fantasy/believability, I just don't know which it is!

Unknown said...

Idk if runing away from your problems is the best way but run to sweden, we got alot of free places you could stay at, just pretend ur a junkie and everythings free xD

cool_cicler said...

Nice writing you got cheers

Queen Helena said...

I liked this article a lot. Thanks!

asldkasd said...

I'm still unsure of the authenticity, but it's a good story anyway. Just like wrestling.

after3 said...

Good lord. sounds tense.

Cindy said...

I agree, it sounds very tense.

TheStamos said...

good stuff, keep it coming

Wayward Disposition said...

I'm a little skeptical about all of this but FUCK I can't stop reading it. You, my friend, are an amazing writer and story teller. For your sake, I hope its not true.

Blog Hunt said...

Interesting stuff, I'm going to look up on this.

Anonymous said...

Be it fiction or truth, I'm on the edge of my seat. Best of luck with whatever your next move is.

Marilyn said...

Interesting read.. I'm really off to research more.. : )).. Loving your blog.. I stumbled upon it.. I'm Marilyn from http://plushafrique.blogspot.com & http://www.theartsygirlconnection.blogspot.com . Hope you can stumble over mine sometime.. Off to indulge in more of your posts.. : )

Erik said...

Awesome blog, can see you put a lot of effort in it! Keep posting, I'll keep reading it!

ThereIsNoTravis said...

great story, can't wait to see how it unfolds...

Wolle said...

Good story keep posting.

doomsday said...

You have some nice writing skills mate!

Synetik said...

thanks for sharing

EmoGoth said...

Have you ever thought of hooking?

Navi said...

regardless of whether this is real or not it is a good story to read

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